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Supra Enzo > BALLS


Supra Enzo
판매가격 전화문의
원산지 USA
브랜드 모티브
배송비결제 주문시 결제



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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명


    Take the Supra™ Enzo for a spin and push it to the limit.  This sporty red and black hybrid from MOTIV® is built to handle sharp turns in high traffic situations. A brand new addition to the light-medium oil arsenal, the Supra™ Enzo is a must-have for bowlers looking to create angle during transition without sacrificing control or traction.  

    EJ Tackett said, "I know that I’ll be able to trust the Supra Enzo during those middle transition games to get around the corner without missing the breakpoint. That’s what I look for in that situation, so I’m really excited to have this one in my bag".

    The High Impulse inner core is the engine inside the Enzo and it is perhaps the most unique in the MOTIV® product line.  With a high RG of 2.57, the High Impulse core spins slowly in the front of the lane, making high friction surfaces and lighter oil patterns less of a concern.  However, this core has a substantial diff of .050 that allows for many drilling options, varied strengths, and flare potential.  Finally, the High Impulse features a dual density build capable of creating ample shape down lane.  Truly this core makes the Supra™ Enzo perfectly tuned for versatility and angle on moderately dry lanes.

    Wrapped around the High Impulse core is the latest Infusion™ Hybrid Reactive cover stock, polished to a shiny 5500 Grit LSP finish.  The solid red and black pearl hybrid shell is a modified version of the technology used on the original Supra™ and provides the Enzo edition with a power boost to give the bowler more traction without sacrificing angle.  

    When To Use:

    • Speed Dominant Bowlers: For speed dominant bowlers, this is an incredible ball option for dryer lanes.  While pearl covers often create too much length for low rev rate or high speed players, the shiny Infusion Hybrid will provide enough traction to allow the player to see shape on the lane.  Additionally, the higher differential in the High Impulse core will make this a great option for speed dominant players unable to see hook from lower differential and weaker cores.
    • Balanced Bowlers: The typical balanced bowler will use this ball on moderately dry lanes when trying to create more angle than a Venom Shock.  On higher friction surfaces this could serve as an early transition ball for balanced bowlers who start with a benchmark piece like the Venom Shock, Tank Blitz, or Ripcord Flight.  The Supra Enzo gets down lane easier, but is controllable down lane.
    • Rev Dominant Bowlers:  MOTIV Staffer, EJ Tackett was outspoken in his praise of the Supra Enzo saying that this will be his ball for creating angle on tour during transition.  Due to higher volumes and many low friction surfaces on the PBA Tour, stronger and slightly more stable coverstocks are crucial during transition periods on the lane.  "I know that I’ll be able to trust the Supra Enzo during those middle transition games to get around the corner without missing the breakpoint. That’s all I ever look for in that situation, so I’m really excited to have this one in my bag."  Rev dominant players will absolutely love the Supra Enzo because of the versatility it provides and the ability to use it for long periods of time through the transition of a pattern.

    상품 정보 고시

    품명 Supra Enzo
    COVERSTOCK Infusion™ Hybrid Reactive
    RG RATING 2.60 2.57 2.56
    RG DIFFERENTIAL .048 .050 .047
    법에 의한 인증·허가 등을 받았음을 확인할 수 있는 경우 그에 대한 사항 수입품의 경우 수입자를 함께 표기 (병행수입의 경우 병행수입 여부로 대체 가능)
    제조국 또는 원산지 USA
    제조자 수입품의 경우 수입자를 함께 표기 (병행수입의 경우 병행수입 여부로 대체 가능)
    A/S 책임자와 전화번호 또는 소비자상담 관련 전화번호 02-431-0295
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      ●배송업체 : CJ대한통운 , 우체국택배

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        (토요일,공휴일 제외 . 천재지변 및 명절 기간에는 다소 시간이 더 걸릴수 있습니다 )

     - 택배비 는 3000원 부터  도서,산간 및 일부 지역 및 구매 금액에 따라 다를 수 있습니다.  




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    TEL :  010-3712-5152

    상담시간 (평일 오전 9:00 ~ 오후 6:00 ) 토,일, 공휴일 ( 긴급전화 010-5904-6389)


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     ● 상품 개봉후 : 반품이 되지 않습니다.


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